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2. Personal Data 2.3 Ph.D. ThesisReferences | Publications

Speakage: Riva Lava :: Sound engineer: Nikos Myrtou

2.3 Ph.D. Thesis
Altgriechisches Temenos: Baukörper und Raumbildung. Ideogramma der baulichen Gruppen-Organisation, 1971.

File content in Γερμανικά PDF file 600 KB Dissertation Cover [600 KB]

G.P.Lavas’ Phd Thesis outlined the fixed characteristics in the ancient architectural yards focusing on the relation between built and open spaces. The research focused on twenty of the most important sanctuaries of ancient Greece under the prism of the following parametres:

  • The concept of space and mass in ancient theory and practice
  • The frame of the ancient religion as a synthesis of irrational and rational elements
  • The distinction between the ancient and the Hippodamian urban planning
  • The perspective of ancient art

The analysis determined the existence of an ideogram in the ancient Greek architectural synthesis consisting of two antithetical trends, order and random arrangement.
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