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8. Scientific Committees 8.1 Cultural Committees

8.1 Cultural Committees
  • 1976-1978 President of the Committee for the Protection of Ano Polis in Thessaloniki
  • 1977 President of the Committee for the Protection of the Old Town of Xanthi
  • 1984-1988 President of the Center for Byzantine Research/University of Thessaloniki
  • 1981 Emeritus Member of the Union of Architects, Ministry of Culture
  • 1982-1987 Member of the Board / Center for Preservation of the Heritage of the Holy Mount Athos
  • 1984 Research for the Conservation of the historic town of Didimoticho, NE Greece
  • 1984 - 1999 Member of the Committee of Conservation of the Monuments of Acropolis (CCMA)
  • 1985 - 2007 Expert of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and member of the International Committee of Experts for the works at the Holy Church of Resurrection in Jerusalem. Excavation of the Shrine of the Calvary.
  • 1984 - 2007 Surrogate member of the Central Archaeological Council / Greek Ministry of Culture.
  • 1987 Member of the Committee of Conservation of Temple of Apollo, Figalea, Vasses
  • 1988 Member of the Committee for the characterization of the modern monuments of Thessaloniki
  • 1989 Ministry of Culture, President of the Committee for the conservation of the town of Serres
  • 1992 National Representative in the Advisory Committee on Education and Training in the Field of Architecture (Brussels, 5-6-/01/1992)
  • 1993 – 2007 Member of the Technical Council of the Academy of Athens
  • 2000 - 2007 Member of the Committee of the Southern Slope of Acropolis of the Greek Ministry of Culture.
  • 2000 – 2007 Member of the Central Council of Modern Monuments of the Greek Ministry of Culture.
  • 2001 – 2007 Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Architectural Competition for the Church of Archbishop of Tirana (Albania)
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