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2. Personal Data 2.2 Education - ScholarshipsPhotos

2.2 Education - Scholarships
  • 1947-1953 Scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation during his studies at the Gymnasium of the Piraeus Association
  • 1954-1958 Scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation during his studies at the University of Athens, History & Archaeology Department
  • 1961 Bata Stiftung Scholarship from the Federal Polytechnic School of Zürich
  • 1964 Doxiadis’ Technichal Bureau
  • 1967 Bata Stiftung Scholarship from the Federal Polytechnic School of Zürich
  • 1976 Scholarship from the German Archaeological Institute for the research project «Wohnungsbau in der Antique».

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