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3. Academic Work 3.4 Teaching Universities AbroadUniversities Abroad | Cultural Organizations | Books

Speakage: Riva Lava :: Sound engineer: Nikos Myrtou

3.4 Teaching [Universities Abroad]
  • 1968-69 Visiting Professor at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, U.S.A., in History and Theory of Architecture.
  • 1972 Invitation for the position of Professor at the Polytechnic University of Berlin (Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste Berlin/ Abteilung Architektur).
  • 1978 Invitation for the position of Professor at the Academic Field of  “Kunstgeschichte – Denkmalpflege“ at the Faculty of Urban Planning and Architecture of the University of Vienna (not accepted).
  • 1979 Teaching at Chulalong Korn University/ The Faculty of Architecture, Bangkok, Tailand.
  • 1984 Academic Guest (AcademischerGast) at the Department of Architecture of the Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich
  • 1984 Co-operation with the University of Rome/ Storia dell’ Architettura, Prof. Giuseppe Zander.
  • 1990     Invitation for teaching at the North Carolina State University / School of Design (not accepted).
  • 1998    Visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania / Department of History of Art, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
  • 1999   Member of the Post Graduate Programme in Cultural Heritage and Heritage Management at the Universitá del Mediteranneo, Rome-Malta.
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