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3. Academic Work 3.4 Teaching Cultural OrganizationsUniversities Abroad | Cultural Organizations | Books

Speakage: Riva Lava :: Sound engineer: Nikos Myrtou

3.4 Teaching [Cultural Organizations]
  • 1991 -1992 The Archaeological Society of Athens, Seminar in History of Art, «18th-19th century: The Theoretical Frame of the Architecture of Engineers and Architects”.
  • 1995-1996 The Archaeological Society of Athens, Seminar in History of Art, «History of Art».
  • 1996-1997 The Archaeological Society of Athens, Seminar in History of Art, «Greek Architectural Heritage».
  • 2000-2001 The Archaeological Society of Athens, Seminar in History of Art, «Orthodox Holy Monuments of Palestine».
  • 2002-2003 The Society of People’s Friends, Open University, «History of Architecture».
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