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3. Academic Work 3.1 Polytechnic School of Zürich (E.T.H.) ResearchAcademics | Lectures | Books | Publications | Research | Photos

Speakage: Riva Lava :: Sound engineer: Nikos Myrtou

3.1 Polytechnic School of Zürich (E.T.H.) [Research]
  • 1967-1968 Relation between ancient and Byzantine architecture, Bata Stiftung Scholarship, Federal Polytechnic School of Zürich .
  • 1969   Directory of A.F.Bluntschl’s work, Institute of History and Theory of Architecture, Federal Polytechnic School of Zürich .
  • 1969 Scientific Consultant at S. Giedion’s book “Architektur und das Phaenomen des Wandel”.
  • 1969-1972 Taxonomy and research of S.Giedion’s archive from CIAM/1933, Institute of History and Theory of Architecture, Federal Polytechnic School of Zürich .
  • 1972-1973 Relation of Byzantine and modern church architecture, Bata Stiftung Scholarship, Federal Polytechnic School of Zürich .
  • 1972-1973  Excavation at Monte Iato Sicily, (Professor P.Isler). University of Zürich , Department of Archaeology.
  • 1984 Berg Athos/Kloster Simonos Petra, Federal Polytechnic School of Zürich .
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