5.2 Holy Shrine of Calvary, Jerusalem [Publications]
- «The Rock of Calvary: The uncovering of the location of the Crucifixion of Christ», Summaries of Communications, ΧVΙΙΙth International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Moscow, 1991, pp. 649.
- «Golgotha Jerusalem. Die Aufdeckung der Kewzigungs stelle Christi», Minutes of the 12th International Congress of Christian Archaeology Bonn 1991, Μunster, 1995, τμ.ΙΙ, pp. 964-968.
- «The Rock of Calvary: the uncovering of Christ’s Crucifixion Site», The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art, 5th International Seminar in Jewish Art, Jerusalem, 16-21/6/1996, pp. 147-150.
- «The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem : History and Recent Works of Preservation», Symposium, Presentation of Historic Architecture and its Relation to Architecture and History, Architectural Institute of Japan, Tokyo, Nov.20th 1999.
- «The site of Calvary in Jerusalem. An archaeological approach concerning form and authentic place», Antiquitas, Reihe 3, Band 42, Bonn, 2001, 249-257.