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5.2 Holy Shrine of Calvary, Jerusalem [Publications]

  1. «The Rock of Calvary: The uncovering of the location of the Crucifixion of Christ», Summaries of Communications, ΧVΙΙΙth International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Moscow, 1991, pp. 649.
  2. «Golgotha Jerusalem. Die Aufdeckung der Kewzigungs stelle Christi», Minutes of the 12th International Congress of Christian Archaeology Bonn 1991, Μunster, 1995, τμ.ΙΙ, pp. 964-968.
  3. «The Rock of Calvary: the uncovering of Christ’s Crucifixion Site», The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art, 5th International Seminar in Jewish Art, Jerusalem, 16-21/6/1996, pp. 147-150.
  4. «The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem : History and Recent Works of Preservation», Symposium, Presentation of Historic Architecture and its Relation to Architecture and History, Architectural Institute of Japan, Tokyo, Nov.20th 1999.
  5. «The site of Calvary in Jerusalem. An archaeological approach concerning form and authentic place», Antiquitas, Reihe 3, Band 42, Bonn, 2001, 249-257.